Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Sale Shopping

You know when you get those emails with 'Sale Now On' in the subject line and you get all happy on the inside, well I had one of those moments last week. I didn't want to go too wild so I went down to my local shopping centre just to have a little look at what was on offer. After spending a little too long in Topshop I quickly popped in to Kiko.

Khaki Green Bomber Jacket £35 Size 10 - Topshop
I know I know I'm a little bit late to the bomber jacket trend, I've been looking on and off for one for what feels like forever. I spotted this on the sale rack in Topshop and decided I had to have it even before my 'what do you think?' snapchat messages had finished sending. The fit is perfect, enough room that I could wear a long sleeved top/jumper underneath but fitted enough that I don't look like a khaki balloon. 

Eyeko Lengthening False Lashes £2 - Topshop
Despite my hardest attempts, I still find false lashes a little intimidating. When I do feel daring enough to try some falsies, these are my favourite as they are perfect for adding some 'natural' looking length to your lashes and feel lightweight on your eyes.
Hello Breath Spray in Mojito Mint £2 - Topshop
I am a tiny bit addicted to eating mints, so when the time comes that I actually want to freshen my breath I never have anything to hand. I thought this little breath spray was so cute and 'clutch bag friendly'. And in case you were wondering, it actually does taste like mojito!
Invisibobble £1 - Topshop
I've seen these around and always wanted know how good they were, what better time than at half price !

Kiko Nail Care Smooth Base and Ultra Long Base Coats £2 each - Kiko Cosmetics
No Matter how many times I buy them, I can never find a base coat when it comes to doing my nails. After recently having SNS on my nails and taking them off myself they were looking pretty worse for wear so I got the Ultra Long to give them some TLC. I've got super deep ridges on some of my toes so I'm hoping the Smooth Base can even that all the way out.

Since I'm trying to save my money I didn't go wild and just bought a few bits and bobs, drop me a comment and let me know what you've been buying in the sales.

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