Newie Newness

Wednesday, December 09, 2015
So I am very new to this blogging world *hides face*(I must admit I feel like I'm chanelling my inner Carrie from Sex and the City whilst typing).
 I've always wondered what makes people want to start a blog. For me I suppose going on holiday and buying an unusually large amount of beauty stuff made me want to share my experiences with the different products. But then I got to thinking, beauty isn't a massive part of my life and I want my blog to be reflective of my life as whole. So what other things in my life am I passionate enough about that I want to wax lyrically about it on the internet:
  • Beauty: I am on a life long mission to get skin that is far superior to an look I could achieve with make-up, sticking mostly to high-street (drug store) brands with a few premium brands in the mix
  • Reading: If life didn't get in the way I would read constantly. I normally average about 1 book a month, sometimes more depending on how many night shifts I do. I love a good crime thriller novel (don't judge me), think James Patterson or Karen Rose. When I want a really good book to settle into I go for drama novels, Jodi Picoult & Diane Chamberlain are my my go-to authors. I don't read many supernatural books since I'm pretty much scared of my own shadow however anything Stephen King is always top of my list.
  • Food: Glorious food, need I say more?
  • Life: What didn't they tell you about being a psychology graduate? Unless you are super sure about what you want to do, you spend a varying amount of your life questioning everything from your very existence as a psychology graduate to despairing at the lack of opportunities. It's definitely an interesting path to travel..
And that is me and my blog in a nutshell :). I'll be posting very soon.

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